Since Harding opened its doors in 1924, students and staff have left their mark on the community. Throughout the years, there have been many traditions that have made Harding what the university is today. Many Harding students have fond memories or stories of these traditions.

Photo of Harding students

Dress Code: Discover Harding’s dress code through the years.

Photo of Spring Sing

Spring Sing: Learn about one of campus’s biggest on-campus events.

Photo of students in chapel

Chapel: See what chapel has been like through the years.

Photo of students in a dorm room

Curfew: Learn about Harding’s curfew and how it has evolved through the years.

Photo of the May Day celebration

May Day: Learn more about the May Day celebrations at Harding.

“Traditions are those customs and codes of action which have meant so much to past and present generations of students that they are part of the personality of the school itself. There are a few vital traditions, well established, which can be maintained only as they are honored by each new student and each new class as a group.”

1949-1950 Student Handbook